Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Old Trafford Seventh-Day Adventist Church The Old Trafford Seventh-day Adventist Church is a multicultural congregation with a warm fellowship, caring ethos, and palpable, Christlike love to everyone.


Contact Us

Please feel free to send us a message to if you prefer a human voice, phone >>>>>>>
You are also always welcome just to drop into our church on a Saturday (Sabbath) morning or any time that we are open.

FACEBOOK PAGE  |   OLD TRAFFORD AUDIO-VISUAL CHANNEL   |    TWITTER @OldTraffordSDA    |    GOOGLE+     |      Call 07845242766     |     Email:

Contact Details:
Tel: 07760887210

YouTube Channel & Google+:  Old Trafford SDA Audio-Visual

Facebook Page:  Old Trafford SDA Church                                           

Twitter:  @OldTraffordSDA


The contact us form below will need an email address adding (go to website pages>forms>contact us) to do this.  You can also duplicate the form, modify it - and use it for as many indivuduals and departments as apporpriate - and on differnet pages.  
We always look forward to hearing from you with your comments, requests or suggestions.